About Me

My life is great (at least I think so anyway). I have two beautiful children, Russ and Alexa, and have another on the way!  They keep me laughing. I'm a full-time stay-at-home Mommy. My husband loves me more than anything, I love him the same way. I have the best family and friends; they rock! I couldn't ask for more... except maybe a million dollars, or not, doesn't matter. I love playing with my children & seeing them smile. I love Disney World; I would live there if I could. I love fishing and almost anything outdoors including holding Russ on my lap while I mow the grass. I love all my pets. I like my oatmeal lumpy.  I even enjoy going out and taking care of my chickens when its 19 degrees. I love ice cream & Dr. Pepper, seperately, not together. I love taking pictures and probably take way too many.  I love being crafty.  I love the look of joy on my son's face when we create something fun.  I'm always looking for something fun to do! 

Wanna contact me?  Follow the link to the right to my Facebook page.