Well, I wanted to be able to post pictures of my latest
projects this weekend, however, I didn't manage to complete
any of them. With finishing costumes, trick-or-treating, and the church
carnival, this weekend was soo busy. I did actually get a couple of projects started. I'm in the process of making wall hangings for Lexi's room, a
tutu for a friend, and also a bag for myself (or a
Christmas gift for someone else depending on how it goes and if they see it on this blog). I'm happy so far with the progress on all of the above.
It seems when you have a child who is
2 years and 1 who is
3 months, there is a lot of time left for crafts :) I am bouncing back and forth between projects whenever I have a little time here and there. My plan is to have all three finished by
biggest project I took on this weekend is
potty training Russ!
We started Russ on the potty this weekend, and its going really good so far. He didn't have any accidents today in his big boy undies & only went once in a diaper (because we were at the store). Hopefully, tomorrow will go just as good (fingers crossed). He seems really into it; its probably just because he likes getting stickers for his board & potty when he goes. Hey, whatever works for him.
It was really nice today only using a total of 2 disposable diapers between the two kids!! With Lexi in cloth diapers & Russ in undies, we weren't throwing extra money away. Yay us!! I can't wait to only have one kid in diapers again.
Sometimes I think that maybe this is too much to take on all at once, but oh well. It keeps things interesting!!
Russ peed on the
potty all day yesterday and pooped on it this morning! He came and got me and told me before he had to go! My
baby is growing up.
amazing how exciting pooping can be when you are a